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MTC State Transfer Pricing Program Looms on the Horizon

More formal, rigorous, and perhaps more frequent, state transfer pricing audits appear to be looming on the horizon, as the Multistate Tax Commission (MTC) is set to launch a design and development project tasked with presenting a preliminary draft program by year’s end, with a final program recommendation due by the MTC’s annual meeting in July 2015.  The intent would be to create a dedicated MTC program, including staff, that would assist, as well as train, member states (both combined and separate reporting states) in conducting state transfer pricing audits as an alternative to hiring contracted consultants.

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National Conference of State Legislatures to Tackle Key State Tax Policy Questions

The National Conference of State Legislatures’ (NCSL) Executive Committee Task Force on State and Local Taxation has expanded its scope to include all significant tax policy issues facing the states.  As part of its expanded scope, the task force has met with industry representatives to identify tax policy topics that would benefit from the task force’s consideration. Companies with a multi-state presence and concern about state tax policy have found participation in task force meetings beneficial to assisting legislator understanding of complex tax issues.

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