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Illinois Appellate Court’s Expansive Interpretation of a Taxing Ordinance Swallows a Sale for Resale Exemption

The First District of the Illinois Appellate Court, in Ford Motor Company v. Chicago Department of Revenue, 2014 IL App (1st) 130597 (June 27, 2014), recently held that Ford Motor Company (Ford) owes City of Chicago vehicle fuel tax on 100 percent of the fuel it purchased and dispensed into the tanks of cars it manufactured in Chicago, even though Ford offered proof that 98 percent of the fuel was resold to car dealerships around that nation.

The court relied on the language of the taxing ordinance, which imposes tax on the “privilege of purchasing or using, in the City of Chicago, vehicle fuel purchased in a sale at retail.”  The court, focusing only on the first portion of that provision, found Ford “used” the fuel in Chicago, on the basis that “use” is defined to include “dispensing fuel into a vehicle’s fuel tank,” an activity Ford did when it transferred fuel from its storage tanks into the tanks of the cars it manufactured.

For the “sale at retail” element, defined as “any sale to a person for that person’s use or consumption and not for resale to another,” the court rejected Ford’s argument that it resold 98 percent of its purchased fuel to dealerships on the basis that Ford had introduced insufficient proof.  The court disregarded Ford’s sample invoice that included a line item charge for 10 gallons of fuel because a supporting affidavit from Ford did not confirm that the invoiced amount was the amount actually in the tank of that specific car at the time of delivery.  The court then, somewhat presumptively, inferred that the invoiced amount must be the amount that Ford initially dispensed into the car, before consuming some fuel during delivery, so that “the amount invoiced was to reimburse Ford Motor Company for fuel that it purchased and used to produce and prepare its new cars for delivery. …”  Additionally, the court considered Ford’s failure to rebut the City’s evidence that no Ford dealership in Chicago had remitted fuel tax consistent with the conclusion that Ford was not reselling fuel; the court did not cite any authority for the proposition that subsequent tax collection is a necessary element of the statutory “resale” provision.

Ford also raised constitutional concerns that were not considered very seriously by the court.  For example, was there sufficient nexus between the City and Ford’s use of the fuel placed into cars it transferred to dealerships?  Moreover, the court did not consider the conceptual tax issue of pyramiding, as the ultimate vehicle purchaser will presumably pay tax (in almost all locations in the country) on the full price paid for the vehicle, which will cover the cost of the fuel.  In any event, by focusing on the “use” and not the “resale” aspect of the taxing ordinance, the court fails to consider that the ordinance may not apply to Ford at all.

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State and Local Tax Supreme Court Update: June 2014

On June 10, 2014, the Supreme Court of the United States distributed three state and local tax cases for a conference to be held on June 26, 2014: Equifax, Inc. v. Mississippi Department of Revenue, Direct Marketing Association v. Brohl, and Alabama Department of Revenue v. CSX Transportation, Inc.  The Supreme Court previously agreed to hear Comptroller of the Treasury v. Wynne and determine whether Maryland’s disallowance of a credit against its county income tax for taxes paid to other jurisdictions violated the Commerce Clause.  We are eager to see if the Court will opt to hear the remaining three cases, clarifying answers to questions in the world of state taxation.

The taxpayer in Equifax filed a petition for a writ of certiorari on February 19, 2014, appealing a decision by the Mississippi Supreme Court.  The state court upheld the Mississippi Department of Revenue’s application of market-based sourcing as an alternative apportionment formula instead of the statutory cost-of-performance sourcing for apportioning the income of Equifax, a credit reporting company.  In making this determination, the court required the Mississippi chancery courts to use a highly deferential standard of review.  The Institute for Professionals in Taxation, the Georgia Chamber of Commerce and the Council On State Taxation filed amicus curiae briefs.

The Direct Marketing Association filed a petition for a writ of certiorari on February 25, 2014.  The Direct Marketing Association seeks review of a decision by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit that held that the Tax Injunction Act barred federal court jurisdiction over the Direct Marketing Association’s challenge to a Colorado sales and use tax reporting law.  The law requires remote sellers that do not collect Colorado sales or use tax and have total annual gross sales in Colorado of $100,000 or more to inform the customer at the time of sale of the customer’s use tax obligation, to send annual notices to customers who purchased $500 or more in goods from the seller and to file a report with the state regarding a customer’s total purchases.  An amicus curiae brief was filed by the Council On State Taxation.  If the Supreme Court were to hear Direct Marketing Association v. Brohl, it would likely clarify the holding of Hibbs v. Winn to better clarify the scope of the TIA’s protection.

On October 30, 2013, the Alabama Department of Revenue filed a petition for a writ of certiorari in CSX Transportation.  The Alabama Department of Revenue is challenging the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit’s decision that Alabama’s sales tax on diesel fuel discriminates against rail carriers in violation of the Railroad Revitalization and Regulatory Reform Act of 1976 (4-R Act) because motor carriers and interstate water carriers are not required to pay the 4 percent sales tax.  The Supreme Court had previously issued a 2011 opinion stating that the taxpayer could challenge sales and use taxes under the 4-R Act, but the Supreme Court remanded the case to determine whether the tax was discriminatory.  Amicus [...]

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Louisiana Taxpayers Beware Non-Uniform Sales Tax Treatment

On June 11, 2014, the Louisiana 24th Judicial District Court held in Normand v. Cox Communications Louisiana, LLC that video-on-demand and pay-per-view programming were not subject to Jefferson Parish sales tax because they were not tangible personal property, but non-taxable services.

Prior to this case, the taxability of pay-per-view and video-on-demand programming within the local jurisdictions of Louisiana was uncertain.  While the State has taken the position that this programming is not subject to sales tax, Jefferson Parish has imposed local sales tax on these transactions.

Louisiana Revised Statutes § 47:301(16)(a) defines tangible personal property to “mean[] and include[] personal property which may be seen, weighed, measured, felt or touched or is in any other manner perceptible to the senses.  Louisiana Administrative Code title 61, § I.4301 includes as tangible personal property “digital or electronic products such as … ‘on demand’ audio and video downloads.”

In Revenue Information Bulletin No. 10-015, the Louisiana Department of Revenue ruled that pay-per-view and video-on-demand movies were tangible personal property subject to Louisiana sales and use tax because they were perceptible to the senses and because, while the customers do not take title to the programs, they have control over paying fees to watch the programs.  However, following pushback from the Louisiana business community, Louisiana Revenue Information Bulletin No. 10-028 temporarily suspended and No. 11-009 permanently repealed the implementation of No. 10-015 with regard to “Pay-Per-View and Video-on-Demand movies purchased for viewing by customers of cable television and satellite television providers.”   The Louisiana Department of Revenue now takes the position that Pay-Per-View and Video-on-Demand programming is not subject to Louisiana sales and use tax.

Though the Jefferson Parish Code of Ordinances incorporates Louisiana’s definition of “tangible personal property,” Jefferson Parish disregarded the State’s position and instead pushed for the taxation of pay-per-view and video-on-demand programming as the lease of tangible personal property.  Jefferson Parish Code of Ordinances § 35-17.  Other parishes appear to be following Jefferson Parish’s lead to impose tax even though the state has said such services are exempt – and the lack of uniformity in approach to the local tax base will continue to cause problems for taxpayers.

The judge did not provide reasons for his decision, and it is unlikely that written reasons will be published unless one of the parties requests them.  It is anticipated that the case will be appealed by the parish.

Normand v. Cox Commc’ns La., L.L.C., Jefferson Parish 24th Judicial District Court, Case No. 706-766 (2014).

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Illinois Department of Revenue Intends to Extend Its Multifactor Post-Hartney Sourcing Regulations to Interstate Transactions

The saga over local sourcing of Illinois retailers’ occupation taxes is well known. The Illinois Department of Revenue has a dedicated webpage for the issue, and Inside SALT covered some of the litigation aspects last month (see Illinois Regional Transportation Authority Suffers A Setback In Its Sales Tax Sourcing Litigation).  A new chapter is unfolding now, with revised proposed local sourcing rules that would apply a multifactor sourcing analysis to both intrastate and interstate sales. The regulations may be made final as soon as next month, and retailers with complex retailing processes should consider how the rules could apply to their operations.

Background: The Illinois Department of Revenue Issued Emergency and Proposed Local Tax Sourcing Regulations after the Supreme Court of Illinois Invalidated Its Old Rules in Hartney

Illinois has perhaps the most complex sales and use tax system in the country. One driver of this complexity is the fact that the Retailers’ Occupation functions as a sales tax but is really an occupation tax measured by gross receipts – the tax imposed is on the privilege of engaging in the occupation of being a retailer. Illinois lets some local jurisdictions impose additional Retailers’ Occupation Taxes, and so the effective local rate can climb higher than the 6.25 percent statewide base rate, e.g., the 9.25 percent rate applicable in Chicago. As the tax is imposed on the business occupation rather than the sale itself, origin-based sourcing principles apply. And for out-of-state sales shipped into Illinois and not subject to Retailers’ Occupation Tax, retailers have only a use tax collection obligation at the 6.25 percent state rate.

For decades, the Department of Revenue’s regulations applied a bright-line test based on order acceptance to determine where the taxable retailing activity had occurred for local Retailers’ Occupation Tax sourcing purposes. Some taxpayers structured their operations in reliance on this approach. But the Supreme Court of Illinois struck down the bright-line order acceptance test in Hartney Fuel Oil Co. v. Hamer, 2013 IL 115130 (Nov. 21, 2013), holding that an evaluation of all the retailing activities was necessary to determine where the retailing occupation occurred and consequently to which local Retailers’ Occupation Taxes a transaction was subject. The old local tax sourcing regulations were invalidated.

After Hartney, the Department promulgated new emergency local tax sourcing rules, effective January 22, 2014 (see the Department of Revenue press release, letter to Joint Committee on Administrative Rules, sample rule text). The emergency rules also served as a framework for the initial proposed final rules. These emergency and initial proposed final rules applied to intrastate tax sourcing and did not affect the Department’s longstanding rule governing whether a transaction was subject to in-state Retailers’ Occupation Tax or merely an out-of-state use tax collection obligation, 86 Ill. Admin. Code 130.610.

The Newly Revised Proposed Regulations Generally Consider Five Primary Factors in Determining the Location of the Taxable Retailing Activity

After consulting stakeholders and receiving numerous comments, the Department substantially revised [...]

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Illinois Regional Transportation Authority Suffers A Setback In Its Sales Tax Sourcing Litigation

Illinois’ order acceptance rule for sourcing local sales taxes has spurred litigation and endless confusion. The wide differential between local tax rates has encouraged shoppers and retailers to transact business in lower rate jurisdictions – everything from drivers heading across the county line to fill their gas tanks to huge retailers establishing order acceptance facilities in low tax rate jurisdictions. The Illinois Regional Transportation Authority (RTA) has aggressively pursued claims against municipalities and retailers it asserts have violated local sourcing rules.  Recently, the RTA suffered a serious setback in its widely publicized effort to retroactively change the rules on order acceptance.

For decades, the Illinois Department of Revenue (IDOR) administered local sales taxes so that the sole factor governing the applicable tax rate was the point at which a retailer accepted a purchase order. This “order acceptance” rule was clear and understandable, and supported by IDOR letter rulings.  Some retailers obtained IDOR approval to source their sales to a low rate local jurisdiction where a single employee physically received the buyer’s executed counterpart of the retailer’s offer to sell. In addition, a number of retailers entered into contracts with municipalities in which the municipalities agreed to rebate part of their share of the resulting local tax back to the retailers.

About 10 years ago, the IDOR began backing away from its strict order acceptance rule. Its backtracking eventually led to the Illinois Supreme Court’s recent decision in Hartney Fuel Oil.  In Hartney, the Supreme Court rejected the IDOR’s single factor order acceptance test as inconsistent with the underlying statute.  The court also held, however, that taxpayers who had relied on the old rule were not liable for transactions occurring before the court’s November 2014 ruling. The court also found that retailers had a legitimate purpose to establish offices to accept orders in low rate jurisdictions solely for the purpose of controlling the tax rate.

While the Hartney case progressed through the court system, the RTA and other local governments began both a public relations campaign and litigation challenging a number of tax sourcing arrangements. One of the leading cases is the RTA’s challenge to United Airlines’ contract to have its purchase orders for aviation fuel accepted in Sycamore, a city outside the RTA’s taxing jurisdiction. The contract called for Sycamore to rebate a portion of the local tax it received back to United.  The RTA sued both the City of Sycamore and United under the theory that the fuel sales should be relocated so that they would be subject to the RTA’s taxing power. It claimed that the Sycamore office was a “sham” and sought millions in additional tax.

On April 25, 2014, the Circuit Court of Cook County found that the Hartney ruling meant that United and its affiliates were “legally entitled to… structure their sales so that acceptance of purchase orders occurred in Sycamore and they would owe no RTA retail occupation taxes.” The court rejected the RTA’s theory that [...]

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