Stephen P. Kranz

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Stephen (Steve) P. Kranz is a tax lawyer who solves tax problems differently. Over the course of his extensive career, Steve has acquired specific skills and developed a unique approach that helps clients develop and implement holistic solutions to all varieties of tax problems. He combines strategic thinking with effective skills for the courtroom, the statehouse and the conference room. Read Stephen Kranz's full bio.

Wisconsin Enacts Discriminatory Exit Charge for Businesses Moving out of State

By and on Jun 28, 2019
Posted In Constitutional Issues, Income Tax, Tax Base

On June 24, 2019, Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers (D), signed into law AB 10, entitled “2019 Wisconsin Act 7.” This Act either bars a deduction for, or requires that amounts deducted be added back to, Wisconsin taxable income “for moving expenses” deducted on federal income tax returns if the expenses are associated with a move...

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BREAKING NEWS: More States Opt Not to Tax GILTI

By on Jun 27, 2019
Posted In Florida, Income Tax, New York, Oregon, Tax Base

This has been an eventful and exciting week for those interested in the states’ taxation of global intangible low-taxed income (GILTI). On Monday, taxpayers received the good news that New York Governor Cuomo signed S. 6615—a bill that excludes 95% of GILTI from the New York State corporate income tax base. By passing this bill,...

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Kentucky to Begin Taxing Video Streaming Services under Telecom Tax

By , and on May 24, 2019
Posted In Kentucky, Sales Tax, Tax Base, Transaction Taxes

Legislators in Frankfort added a new “video streaming service” tax to the omnibus tax bill (HB 354) as part of a closed-door conference committee process before the bill was hastily passed in the House and Senate. Notably, the new video streaming service tax was not previously raised or discussed as part of HB 354 (or...

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Tennessee Joins Other States in Excluding GILTI and 965 Income from the Tax Base

By on May 15, 2019
Posted In Constitutional Issues, Income Tax, Tax Base, Tennessee

On May 8, Governor Bill Lee (R) signed SB 558, which provides for the exclusion of 95% of Global Intangible Low-Taxed Income (GILTI) and foreign earnings deemed repatriated under IRC section 965 (965 Income) from the tax base for tax years beginning on or after January 1, 2018. By enacting this bill, Tennessee joins about...

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An Uneven Playing Field: Judicial Deference to State Tax Administrator Interpretations

By , and on May 14, 2019
Posted In Audits, Constitutional Issues, Income Tax, Local Tax, Nationwide Importance, Sales Tax

Judicial deference to state tax agencies puts taxpayers at a steep disadvantage and wastes time and resources on costly tax disputes. A united advocacy effort can help promote passage of state-level legislation that takes the tax administrator’s thumb off the scales of justice in administrative and judicial review of tax determinations. Access the full article....

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California Bill Would Remove Tax Bar to False Claims Act

By , and on May 1, 2019
Posted In California, False Claims Act, Nationwide Importance

California legislators have recently introduced a bill, AB 1270, that would amend the False Claims Act (Act) to strike the tax bar. As introduced, the bill would amend the existing false claims statute in the state of California to expressly authorize tax-related false claims actions against a person whose reported taxable income, net income, or...

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Nevada Bill Proposes Broad New Excise Tax on Sales of Digital Goods and Services

By , and on Apr 2, 2019
Posted In Nevada, Tax Base, Transaction Taxes

A bill (AB 447) was introduced on March 25th in the Nevada Assembly that would create a broad new excise tax on the retail sale of “specified digital products” to Nevada customers. Instead of expanding the scope of Nevada’s sales and use tax, the bill would enact an entirely new chapter of the Revenue and...

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QHTC You Later: DC Bids Farewell to Historic QHTC Certification Process

By , and on Feb 8, 2019
Posted In District of Columbia, Incentives, Local Tax, Procedure

The District of Columbia (DC) Office of Tax & Revenue (OTR) implemented sweeping changes to the Qualified High Technology Company (QHTC) certification process this year. As you may remember, beginning last year, OTR implemented a new online QHTC self-certification process for companies to obtain exempt purchase certificates. This year, OTR is expanding the scope of...

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Delaware Starts Unclaimed Property “Compliance Reviews” (Different from Audits)

By , and on Jan 16, 2019
Posted In Delaware, Unclaimed Property

If the Delaware Office of Unclaimed Property believes that a person may have filed an “inaccurate, incomplete, or false report,” the State Escheator may authorize a “compliance review” under Del. Code Ann. tit. 12, § 1170(b). This is not a standard audit and as a result, the target is not entitled to the option of...

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Court Strikes Down New York Opioid Surcharge on Manufacturers and Distributers

By , , and on Jan 11, 2019
Posted In Constitutional Issues, Nationwide Importance, New York, Procedure

On December 19, 2018, the US District Court for the Southern District of New York ruled in favor of McDermott’s client, the Healthcare Distribution Alliance (HDA), the trade association for pharmaceutical distributors. In Healthcare Distribution Alliance v. Zucker, the court granted summary judgment and enjoined enforcement of the New York Opioid Stewardship Act, which imposed...

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